
LogicoreIP designed compatible with Xilinx ZYNQ family.

General concept

LogicoreIP design to provide the isolation between processing system
and programmable logic. Also provides the list of register set to configure
the frequency.

Required properties:

  • compatible: shall be one of:

  • reg, reg-names: There are two sets of registers need to provide.

    1. vcu slcr
    2. Logicore
      reg-names should contain name for the each register sequence.
  • clocks: phandle for aclk and pll_ref clocksource

  • clock-names: The identification string, “aclk”, is always required for
    the axi clock. “pll_ref” is required for pll.

    xlnx_vcu: vcu@a0040000 {

      compatible = "xlnx,vcu-logicoreip-1.0";
      reg = <0x0 0xa0040000 0x0 0x1000>,
           <0x0 0xa0041000 0x0 0x1000>;
      reg-names = "vcu_slcr", "logicore";
      clocks = <&si570_1>, <&clkc 71>;
      clock-names = "pll_ref", "aclk";
