
Texas Instruments AM437x CAMERA (VPFE)

The Video Processing Front End (VPFE) is a key component for image capture
applications. The capture module provides the system interface and the
processing capability to connect RAW image-sensor modules and video decoders
to the AM437x device.

Required properties:

  • compatible: must be “ti,am437x-vpfe”
  • reg: physical base address and length of the registers set for the device;
  • interrupts: should contain IRQ line for the VPFE;
  • ti,am437x-vpfe-interface: can be one of the following,
    0 - Raw Bayer Interface.
    1 - 8 Bit BT656 Interface.
    2 - 10 Bit BT656 Interface.
    3 - YCbCr 8 Bit Interface.
    4 - YCbCr 16 Bit Interface.

VPFE supports a single port node with parallel bus. It should contain one
‘port’ child node with child ‘endpoint’ node. Please refer to the bindings
defined in Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/video-interfaces.txt.

vpfe: vpfe@f0034000 {
compatible = “ti,am437x-vpfe”;
reg = <0x48328000 0x2000>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 50 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

    pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    pinctrl-0 = <&vpfe_pins_default>;
    pinctrl-1 = <&vpfe_pins_sleep>;

    port {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <0>;

        vpfe0_ep: endpoint {
            remote-endpoint = <&ov2659_1>;
            ti,am437x-vpfe-interface = <0>;
            bus-width = <8>;
            hsync-active = <0>;
            vsync-active = <0>;

i2c1: i2c@4802a000 {

    ov2659@30 {
        compatible = "ti,ov2659";
        reg = <0x30>;

        port {
            ov2659_1: endpoint {
                remote-endpoint = <&vpfe0_ep>;
                bus-width = <8>;
                mclk-frequency = <12000000>;