
  • STMicroelectronics STM32 MDMA controller

The STM32 MDMA is a general-purpose direct memory access controller capable of
supporting 64 independent DMA channels with 256 HW requests.

Required properties:

  • compatible: Should be “st,stm32h7-mdma”
  • reg: Should contain MDMA registers location and length. This should include
    all of the per-channel registers.
  • interrupts: Should contain the MDMA interrupt.
  • clocks: Should contain the input clock of the DMA instance.
  • resets: Reference to a reset controller asserting the DMA controller.
  • #dma-cells : Must be <5>. See DMA client paragraph for more details.

Optional properties:

  • dma-channels: Number of DMA channels supported by the controller.
  • dma-requests: Number of DMA request signals supported by the controller.
  • st,ahb-addr-masks: Array of u32 mask to list memory devices addressed via
    AHB bus.


mdma1: dma@52000000 {
    compatible = "st,stm32h7-mdma";
    reg = <0x52000000 0x1000>;
    interrupts = <122>;
    clocks = <&timer_clk>;
    resets = <&rcc 992>;
    #dma-cells = <5>;
    dma-channels = <16>;
    dma-requests = <32>;
    st,ahb-addr-masks = <0x20000000>, <0x00000000>;
  • DMA client

DMA clients connected to the STM32 MDMA controller must use the format
described in the dma.txt file, using a five-cell specifier for each channel:
a phandle to the MDMA controller plus the following five integer cells:

  1. The request line number
  2. The priority level
    0x00: Low
    0x01: Medium
    0x10: High
    0x11: Very high
  3. A 32bit mask specifying the DMA channel configuration

-bit 0-1: Source increment mode
0x00: Source address pointer is fixed
0x10: Source address pointer is incremented after each data transfer
0x11: Source address pointer is decremented after each data transfer
-bit 2-3: Destination increment mode
0x00: Destination address pointer is fixed
0x10: Destination address pointer is incremented after each data
0x11: Destination address pointer is decremented after each data
-bit 8-9: Source increment offset size
0x00: byte (8bit)
0x01: half-word (16bit)
0x10: word (32bit)
0x11: double-word (64bit)
-bit 10-11: Destination increment offset size
0x00: byte (8bit)
0x01: half-word (16bit)
0x10: word (32bit)
0x11: double-word (64bit)
-bit 25-18: The number of bytes to be transferred in a single transfer
(min = 1 byte, max = 128 bytes)
-bit 29:28: Trigger Mode
0x00: Each MDMA request triggers a buffer transfer (max 128 bytes)
0x01: Each MDMA request triggers a block transfer (max 64K bytes)
0x10: Each MDMA request triggers a repeated block transfer
0x11: Each MDMA request triggers a linked list transfer
4. A 32bit value specifying the register to be used to acknowledge the request
if no HW ack signal is used by the MDMA client
5. A 32bit mask specifying the value to be written to acknowledge the request
if no HW ack signal is used by the MDMA client


i2c4: i2c@5c002000 {
    compatible = "st,stm32f7-i2c";
    reg = <0x5c002000 0x400>;
    interrupts = <95>,
    clocks = <&timer_clk>;
    #address-cells = <1>;
    #size-cells = <0>;
    dmas = <&mdma1 36 0x0 0x40008 0x0 0x0>,
           <&mdma1 37 0x0 0x40002 0x0 0x0>;
    dma-names = "rx", "tx";
    status = "disabled";