
ST-Ericsson Nomadik Device Tree Bindings

For various board the “board” node may contain specific properties
that pertain to this particular board, such as board-specific GPIOs.

Required root node property: src

  • Nomadik System and reset controller used for basic chip control, clock
    and reset line control.
  • compatible: must be “stericsson,nomadik,src”

Boards with the Nomadik SoC include:

Nomadik NHK-15 board manufactured by ST Microelectronics:

Required root node property:


S8815 “MiniKit” manufactured by Calao Systems:

Required root node property:


Required node: usb-s8815


usb-s8815 {
ethernet-gpio {
gpios = <&gpio3 19 0x1>;
interrupts = <19 0x1>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
mmcsd-gpio {
gpios = <&gpio3 16 0x1>;