
Binding for Thermal Sensor driver for STMicroelectronics STi series of SoCs.

Required parameters:

compatible : Should be “st,stih407-thermal”

clock-names : Should be “thermal”.
See: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/resource-names.txt
clocks : Phandle of the clock used by the thermal sensor.
See: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/clock-bindings.txt

Optional parameters:

reg : For non-sysconf based sensors, this should be the physical base
address and length of the sensor’s registers.
interrupts : Standard way to define interrupt number.
NB: For thermal sensor’s for which no interrupt has been
defined, a polling delay of 1000ms will be used to read the
temperature from device.


temp0@91a0000 {
    compatible = "st,stih407-thermal";
    reg = <0x91a0000 0x28>;
    clock-names = "thermal";
    clocks = <&CLK_SYSIN>;
    interrupts = <GIC_SPI 205 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
    st,passive_cooling_temp = <110>;