
Hisilicon PWM controller

Required properties:
-compatible: should contain one SoC specific compatible string
The SoC specific strings supported including:

  • reg: physical base address and length of the controller’s registers.
  • clocks: phandle and clock specifier of the PWM reference clock.
  • resets: phandle and reset specifier for the PWM controller reset.
  • #pwm-cells: Should be 3. See pwm.txt in this directory for a description of
    the cells format.

pwm: pwm@12130000 {
compatible = “hisilicon,hi3516cv300-pwm”;
reg = <0x12130000 0x10000>;
clocks = <&crg_ctrl HI3516CV300_PWM_CLK>;
resets = <&crg_ctrl 0x38 0>;
#pwm-cells = <3>;