
Pincontrol driver for MAX77620 Power management IC from Maxim Semiconductor.

Device has 8 GPIO pins which can be configured as GPIO as well as the
special IO functions.

Please refer file <devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt>
for details of the common pinctrl bindings used by client devices,
including the meaning of the phrase “pin configuration node”.

Optional Pinmux properties:

Following properties are required if default setting of pins are required
at boot.

  • pinctrl-names: A pinctrl state named per <pinctrl-bindings.txt>.
  • pinctrl[0…n]: Properties to contain the phandle for pinctrl states per

The pin configurations are defined as child of the pinctrl states node. Each
sub-node have following properties:

Required properties:

  • pins: List of pins. Valid values of pins properties are:
            gpio0, gpio1, gpio2, gpio3, gpio4, gpio5, gpio6, gpio7.

Optional properties:

Following are optional properties defined as pinmux DT binding document
<pinctrl-bindings.txt>. Absence of properties will leave the configuration
on default.

Valid values for function properties are:
gpio, lpm-control-in, fps-out, 32k-out, sd0-dvs-in, sd1-dvs-in,

Theres is also customised properties for the GPIO1, GPIO2 and GPIO3. These
customised properties are required to configure FPS configuration parameters
of these GPIOs. Please refer <devicetree/bindings/mfd/max77620.txt> for more
detail of Flexible Power Sequence (FPS).

  • maxim,active-fps-source: FPS source for the GPIOs to get

                  enabled/disabled when system is in
                  active state.  Valid values are:
                  - MAX77620_FPS_SRC_0,
                      FPS source is FPS0.
                  - MAX77620_FPS_SRC_1,
                      FPS source is FPS1
                  - MAX77620_FPS_SRC_2 and
                      FPS source is FPS2
                  - MAX77620_FPS_SRC_NONE.
                      GPIO is not controlled
                      by FPS events and it gets
                      enabled/disabled by register
                  Absence of this property will leave
                  the FPS configuration register for that
                  GPIO to default configuration.
  • maxim,active-fps-power-up-slot: Sequencing event slot number on which

                  the GPIO get enabled when
                  master FPS input event set to HIGH.
                  Valid values are 0 to 7.
                  This is applicable if FPS source is
                  selected as FPS0, FPS1 or FPS2.
  • maxim,active-fps-power-down-slot: Sequencing event slot number on which

                  the GPIO get disabled when master
                  FPS input event set to LOW.
                  Valid values are 0 to 7.
                  This is applicable if FPS source is
                  selected as FPS0, FPS1 or FPS2.
  • maxim,suspend-fps-source: This is same as property

                  "maxim,active-fps-source" but value
                  get configured when system enters in
                  to suspend state.
  • maxim,suspend-fps-power-up-slot: This is same as property

                  "maxim,active-fps-power-up-slot" but
                  this value get configured into FPS
                  configuration register when system
                  enters into suspend.
                  This is applicable if suspend state
                  FPS source is selected as FPS0, FPS1 or
  • maxim,suspend-fps-power-down-slot: This is same as property

                  "maxim,active-fps-power-down-slot" but
                  this value get configured into FPS
                  configuration register when system
                  enters into suspend.
                  This is applicable if suspend state
                  FPS source is selected as FPS0, FPS1 or


#include <dt-bindings/mfd/max77620.h>

max77620@3c {

pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&spmic_default>;

spmic_default: pinmux@0 {
    pin_gpio0 {
        pins = "gpio0";
        function = "gpio";

    pin_gpio1 {
        pins = "gpio1";
        function = "fps-out";
        maxim,active-fps-source = <MAX77620_FPS_SRC_0>;

    pin_gpio2 {
        pins = "gpio2";
        function = "fps-out";
        maxim,active-fps-source = <MAX77620_FPS_SRC_1>;
