
CAN Device Tree Bindings

(c) 2006-2009 Secret Lab Technologies Ltd
Grant Likely

fsl,mpc5200-mscan nodes

In addition to the required compatible-, reg- and interrupt-properties, you can
also specify which clock source shall be used for the controller:

  • fsl,mscan-clock-source : a string describing the clock source. Valid values
             are:    "ip" for ip bus clock
               "ref" for reference clock (XTAL)
             "ref" is default in case this property is not

fsl,mpc5121-mscan nodes

In addition to the required compatible-, reg- and interrupt-properties, you can
also specify which clock source and divider shall be used for the controller:

  • fsl,mscan-clock-source : a string describing the clock source. Valid values

             are:    "ip" for ip bus clock
              "ref" for reference clock
              "sys" for system clock
             If this property is not present, an optimal CAN
             clock source and frequency based on the system
             clock will be selected. If this is not possible,
             the reference clock will be used.
  • fsl,mscan-clock-divider: for the reference and system clock, an additional

             clock divider can be specified. By default, a
             value of 1 is used.

Note that the MPC5121 Rev. 1 processor is not supported.

can@1300 {
compatible = “fsl,mpc5121-mscan”;
interrupts = <12 0x8>;
interrupt-parent = <&ipic>;
reg = <0x1300 0x80>;

can@1380 {
    compatible = "fsl,mpc5121-mscan";
    interrupts = <13 0x8>;
    interrupt-parent = <&ipic>;
    reg = <0x1380 0x80>;
    fsl,mscan-clock-source = "ref";
    fsl,mscan-clock-divider = <3>;