
Maxim MAX30100 heart rate and pulse oximeter sensor

Required properties:

  • compatible: must be “maxim,max30100”

  • reg: the I2C address of the sensor

  • interrupt-parent: should be the phandle for the interrupt controller

  • interrupts: the sole interrupt generated by the device

    Refer to interrupt-controller/interrupts.txt for generic
    interrupt client node bindings.

Optional properties:

  • maxim,led-current-microamp: configuration for LED current in microamperes
    while the engine is running. First indexed value is the configuration for
    the RED LED, and second value is for the IR LED.

    Refer to the datasheet for the allowed current values.


max30100@57 {
compatible = “maxim,max30100”;
reg = <0x57>;
maxim,led-current-microamp = <24000 50000>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
interrupts = <16 2>;