
  • Device tree bindings for Texas instruments AEMIF controller

The Async External Memory Interface (EMIF16/AEMIF) controller is intended to
provide a glue-less interface to a variety of asynchronous memory devices like
ASRA M, NOR and NAND memory. A total of 256M bytes of any of these memories
can be accessed at any given time via four chip selects with 64M byte access
per chip select. Synchronous memories such as DDR1 SD RAM, SDR SDRAM
and Mobile SDR are not supported.

Davinci DM646x -
OMAP-L138 (DA850) -
Kestone -

Required properties:

  • compatible: “ti,davinci-aemif”

  • reg: contains offset/length value for AEMIF control registers

  • #address-cells: Must be 2. The partition number has to be encoded in the

          first address cell and it may accept values 0..N-1
          (N - total number of partitions). It's recommended to
          assign N-1 number for the control partition. The second
          cell is the offset into the partition.
  • #size-cells: Must be set to 1.

  • ranges: Contains memory regions. There are two types of

          - CS-specific partition/range. If continuous, must be
          set up to reflect the memory layout for 4 chipselects,
          if not then additional range/partition can be added and
          child device can select the proper one.
          - control partition which is common for all CS
  • clocks: the clock feeding the controller clock. Required only

          if clock tree data present in device tree.
          See clock-bindings.txt
  • clock-names: clock name. It has to be “aemif”. Required only if clock

          tree data present in device tree, in another case don't
          use it.
          See clock-bindings.txt
  • clock-ranges: Empty property indicating that child nodes can inherit

          named clocks. Required only if clock tree data present
          in device tree.
          See clock-bindings.txt

Child chip-select (cs) nodes contain the memory devices nodes connected to
such as NOR (e.g. cfi-flash) and NAND (ti,davinci-nand, see davinci-nand.txt).
There might be board specific devices like FPGAs.

Required child cs node properties:

  • #address-cells: Must be 2.

  • #size-cells: Must be 1.

  • ranges: Empty property indicating that child nodes can inherit

          memory layout.
  • clock-ranges: Empty property indicating that child nodes can inherit

          named clocks. Required only if clock tree data present
          in device tree.
  • ti,cs-chipselect: number of chipselect. Indicates on the aemif driver

          which chipselect is used for accessing the memory. For
          compatibles "ti,davinci-aemif" and "ti,keystone-aemif"
          it can be in range [0-3]. For compatible
          "ti,da850-aemif" range is [2-5].

Optional child cs node properties:

  • ti,cs-bus-width: width of the asynchronous device’s data bus

              8 or 16 if not preset 8
  • ti,cs-select-strobe-mode: enable/disable select strobe mode

              In select strobe mode chip select behaves as
              the strobe and is active only during the strobe
              period. If present then enable.
  • ti,cs-extended-wait-mode: enable/disable extended wait mode

              if set, the controller monitors the EMIFWAIT pin
              mapped to that chip select to determine if the
              device wants to extend the strobe period. If
              present then enable.
  • ti,cs-min-turnaround-ns: minimum turn around time, ns

              Time between the end of one asynchronous memory
              access and the start of another asynchronous
              memory access. This delay is not incurred
              between a read followed by read or a write
              followed by a write to same chip select.
  • ti,cs-read-setup-ns: read setup width, ns

              Time between the beginning of a memory cycle
              and the activation of read strobe.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).
  • ti,cs-read-strobe-ns: read strobe width, ns

              Time between the activation and deactivation of
              the read strobe.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).
  • ti,cs-read-hold-ns: read hold width, ns

              Time between the deactivation of the read
              strobe and the end of the cycle (which may be
              either an address change or the deactivation of
              the chip select signal.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).
  • ti,cs-write-setup-ns: write setup width, ns

              Time between the beginning of a memory cycle
              and the activation of write strobe.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).
  • ti,cs-write-strobe-ns: write strobe width, ns

              Time between the activation and deactivation of
              the write strobe.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).
  • ti,cs-write-hold-ns: write hold width, ns

              Time between the deactivation of the write
              strobe and the end of the cycle (which may be
              either an address change or the deactivation of
              the chip select signal.
              Minimum value is 1 (0 treated as 1).

If any of the above parameters are absent, current parameter value will be taken
from the corresponding HW reg.

Example for aemif, davinci nand and nor flash chip select shown below.

memory-controller@21000a00 {
compatible = “ti,davinci-aemif”;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <1>;
clocks = <&clkaemif 0>;
clock-names = “aemif”;
reg = <0x21000A00 0x00000100>;
ranges = <0 0 0x70000000 0x10000000
1 0 0x21000A00 0x00000100>;
* Partition0: CS-specific memory range which is
* implemented as continuous physical memory region
* Partition1: control memory range

nand:cs2 {
    #address-cells = <2>;
    #size-cells = <1>;

    ti,cs-chipselect = <2>;
    /* all timings in nanoseconds */
    ti,cs-min-turnaround-ns = <0>;
    ti,cs-read-hold-ns = <7>;
    ti,cs-read-strobe-ns = <42>;
    ti,cs-read-setup-ns = <14>;
    ti,cs-write-hold-ns = <7>;
    ti,cs-write-strobe-ns = <42>;
    ti,cs-write-setup-ns = <14>;

    nand@0,0x8000000 {
        compatible = "ti,davinci-nand";
        reg = <0 0x8000000 0x4000000
               1 0x0000000 0x0000100>;
         * Partition0, offset 0x8000000, size 0x4000000
         * Partition1, offset 0x0000000, size 0x0000100

        .. see davinci-nand.txt

nor:cs0 {
    #address-cells = <2>;
    #size-cells = <1>;

    ti,cs-chipselect = <0>;
    /* all timings in nanoseconds */
    ti,cs-min-turnaround-ns = <0>;
    ti,cs-read-hold-ns = <8>;
    ti,cs-read-strobe-ns = <40>;
    ti,cs-read-setup-ns = <14>;
    ti,cs-write-hold-ns = <7>;
    ti,cs-write-strobe-ns = <40>;
    ti,cs-write-setup-ns = <14>;
    ti,cs-bus-width = <16>;

    flash@0,0x0000000 {
        compatible = "cfi-flash";
        reg = <0 0x0000000 0x4000000>;

