
Texas Instruments VPIF

The TI Video Port InterFace (VPIF) is the primary component for video
capture and display on the DA850/AM18x family of TI DaVinci/Sitara

TI Document reference: SPRUH82C, Chapter 35

Required properties:

  • compatible: must be “ti,da850-vpif”
  • reg: physical base address and length of the registers set for the device;
  • interrupts: should contain IRQ line for the VPIF

Video Capture:

VPIF has a 16-bit parallel bus input, supporting 2 8-bit channels or a
single 16-bit channel. It should contain one or two port child nodes
with child ‘endpoint’ node. If there are two ports then port@0 must
describe the input and port@1 output channels. Please refer to the
bindings defined in

Example using 2 8-bit input channels, one of which is connected to an
I2C-connected TVP5147 decoder:

vpif: vpif@217000 {
    compatible = "ti,da850-vpif";
    reg = <0x217000 0x1000>;
    interrupts = <92>;

    port@0 {
        vpif_input_ch0: endpoint@0 {
            reg = <0>;
            bus-width = <8>;
            remote-endpoint = <&composite_in>;

        vpif_input_ch1: endpoint@1 {
            reg = <1>;
            bus-width = <8>;
            data-shift = <8>;

    port@1 {
        vpif_output_ch0: endpoint {
            bus-width = <8>;
            remote-endpoint = <&composite_out>;

[ … ]

&i2c0 {

tvp5147@5d {
    compatible = "ti,tvp5147";
    reg = <0x5d>;

    port {
        composite_in: endpoint {
            hsync-active = <1>;
            vsync-active = <1>;
            pclk-sample = <0>;

            /* VPIF channel 0 (lower 8-bits) */
            remote-endpoint = <&vpif_input_ch0>;
            bus-width = <8>;

adv7343@2a {
    compatible = "adi,adv7343";
    reg = <0x2a>;

    port {
        composite_out: endpoint {
            adi,dac-enable = <1 1 1>;
            adi,sd-dac-enable = <1>;

            remote-endpoint = <&vpif_output_ch0>;
            bus-width = <8>;


Alternatively, an example when the bus is configured as a single
16-bit input (e.g. for raw-capture mode):

vpif: vpif@217000 {
    compatible = "ti,da850-vpif";
    reg = <0x217000 0x1000>;
    interrupts = <92>;

    port {
        vpif_ch0: endpoint {
              bus-width = <16>;