
ST-Ericsson COH 901 318 DMA Controller

This is a DMA controller which has begun as a fork of the
ARM PL08x PrimeCell VHDL code.

Required properties:

  • compatible: should be “stericsson,coh901318”
  • reg: register locations and length
  • interrupts: the single DMA IRQ
  • #dma-cells: must be set to <1>, as the channels on the
    COH 901 318 are simple and identified by a single number
  • dma-channels: the number of DMA channels handled


dmac: dma-controller@c00020000 {
compatible = “stericsson,coh901318”;
reg = <0xc0020000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&vica>;
interrupts = <2>;
#dma-cells = <1>;
dma-channels = <40>;

Consumers example:

uart0: serial@c0013000 {
compatible = “…”;
dmas = <&dmac 17 &dmac 18>;
dma-names = “tx”, “rx”;