
Qualcomm Hardware Mutex Block:

The hardware block provides mutexes utilized between different processors on
the SoC as part of the communication protocol used by these processors.

  • compatible:
    Usage: required
    Value type:
    Definition: must be one of:

  • syscon:
    Usage: required
    Value type:
    Definition: one cell containing:

          syscon phandle
          offset of the hwmutex block within the syscon
          stride of the hwmutex registers
  • #hwlock-cells:
    Usage: required
    Value type:
    Definition: must be 1, the specified cell represent the lock id

          (hwlock standard property, see hwlock.txt)


tcsr_mutex_block: syscon@fd484000 {
    compatible = "syscon";
    reg = <0xfd484000 0x2000>;

hwlock@fd484000 {
    compatible = "qcom,tcsr-mutex";
    syscon = <&tcsr_mutex_block 0 0x80>;

    #hwlock-cells = <1>;