
pwm-backlight bindings

Required properties:

  • compatible: “pwm-backlight”
  • pwms: OF device-tree PWM specification (see PWM binding0)
  • brightness-levels: Array of distinct brightness levels. Typically these
    are in the range from 0 to 255, but any range starting at 0 will do.
    The actual brightness level (PWM duty cycle) will be interpolated
    from these values. 0 means a 0% duty cycle (darkest/off), while the
    last value in the array represents a 100% duty cycle (brightest).
  • default-brightness-level: the default brightness level (index into the
    array defined by the “brightness-levels” property)
  • power-supply: regulator for supply voltage

Optional properties:

  • pwm-names: a list of names for the PWM devices specified in the
           "pwms" property (see PWM binding[0])
  • enable-gpios: contains a single GPIO specifier for the GPIO which enables
              and disables the backlight (see GPIO binding[1])
  • post-pwm-on-delay-ms: Delay in ms between setting an initial (non-zero) PWM
                      and enabling the backlight using GPIO.
  • pwm-off-delay-ms: Delay in ms between disabling the backlight using GPIO
                  and setting PWM value to 0.


backlight {
    compatible = "pwm-backlight";
    pwms = <&pwm 0 5000000>;

    brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
    default-brightness-level = <6>;

    power-supply = <&vdd_bl_reg>;
    enable-gpios = <&gpio 58 0>;
    post-pwm-on-delay-ms = <10>;
    pwm-off-delay-ms = <10>;