
STMicroelectronics STM32 USB HS PHY controller

The STM32 USBPHYC block contains a dual port High Speed UTMI+ PHY and a UTMI
switch. It controls PHY configuration and status, and the UTMI+ switch that
selects either OTG or HOST controller for the second PHY port. It also sets
PLL configuration.

|_ PLL
|_ PHY port#1 _ HOST controller
| _ |
| / 1|
|_ PHY port#2 —-| |____
| _0| |
|_ UTMI switch_______| OTG controller

Phy provider node

Required properties:

  • compatible: must be “st,stm32mp1-usbphyc”
  • reg: address and length of the usb phy control register set
  • clocks: phandle + clock specifier for the PLL phy clock
  • #address-cells: number of address cells for phys sub-nodes, must be <1>
  • #size-cells: number of size cells for phys sub-nodes, must be <0>

Optional properties:

  • assigned-clocks: phandle + clock specifier for the PLL phy clock
  • assigned-clock-parents: the PLL phy clock parent
  • resets: phandle + reset specifier

Required nodes: one sub-node per port the controller provides.

Phy sub-nodes

Required properties:

  • reg: phy port index
  • phy-supply: phandle to the regulator providing 3V3 power to the PHY,
        see phy-bindings.txt in the same directory.
  • vdda1v1-supply: phandle to the regulator providing 1V1 power to the PHY
  • vdda1v8-supply: phandle to the regulator providing 1V8 power to the PHY
  • #phy-cells: see phy-bindings.txt in the same directory, must be <0> for PHY
    port#1 and must be <1> for PHY port#2, to select USB controller

usbphyc: usb-phy@5a006000 {
compatible = “st,stm32mp1-usbphyc”;
reg = <0x5a006000 0x1000>;
clocks = <&rcc_clk USBPHY_K>;
resets = <&rcc_rst USBPHY_R>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;

        usbphyc_port0: usb-phy@0 {
            reg = <0>;
            phy-supply = <&vdd_usb>;
            vdda1v1-supply = <&reg11>;
            vdda1v8-supply = <&reg18>
            #phy-cells = <0>;

        usbphyc_port1: usb-phy@1 {
            reg = <1>;
            phy-supply = <&vdd_usb>;
            vdda1v1-supply = <&reg11>;
            vdda1v8-supply = <&reg18>
            #phy-cells = <1>;