
I2C for R-Car platforms

Required properties:

  • compatible:
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7743” if the device is a part of a R8A7743 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7745” if the device is a part of a R8A7745 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7778” if the device is a part of a R8A7778 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7779” if the device is a part of a R8A7779 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7790” if the device is a part of a R8A7790 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7791” if the device is a part of a R8A7791 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7792” if the device is a part of a R8A7792 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7793” if the device is a part of a R8A7793 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7794” if the device is a part of a R8A7794 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7795” if the device is a part of a R8A7795 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a7796” if the device is a part of a R8A7796 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a77965” if the device is a part of a R8A77965 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a77970” if the device is a part of a R8A77970 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a77980” if the device is a part of a R8A77980 SoC.
    “renesas,i2c-r8a77995” if the device is a part of a R8A77995 SoC.
    “renesas,rcar-gen1-i2c” for a generic R-Car Gen1 compatible device.
    “renesas,rcar-gen2-i2c” for a generic R-Car Gen2 or RZ/G1 compatible


    “renesas,rcar-gen3-i2c” for a generic R-Car Gen3 compatible device.
    “renesas,i2c-rcar” (deprecated)

    When compatible with the generic version, nodes must list the
    SoC-specific version corresponding to the platform first followed
    by the generic version.

  • reg: physical base address of the controller and length of memory mapped

  • interrupts: interrupt specifier.

Optional properties:

  • clock-frequency: desired I2C bus clock frequency in Hz. The absence of this
    property indicates the default frequency 100 kHz.

  • clocks: clock specifier.

  • dmas: Must contain a list of two references to DMA specifiers, one for
    transmission, and one for reception.

  • dma-names: Must contain a list of two DMA names, “tx” and “rx”.

  • i2c-scl-falling-time-ns: see i2c.txt

  • i2c-scl-internal-delay-ns: see i2c.txt

  • i2c-scl-rising-time-ns: see i2c.txt

Examples :

i2c0: i2c@e6508000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = “renesas,i2c-r8a7791”, “renesas,rcar-gen2-i2c”;
reg = <0 0xe6508000 0 0x40>;
interrupts = <0 287 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
clocks = <&mstp9_clks R8A7791_CLK_I2C0>;
clock-frequency = <400000>;