
ST-Ericsson U300 Device Tree Bindings

For various board the “board” node may contain specific properties
that pertain to this particular board, such as board-specific GPIOs
or board power regulator supplies.

Required root node property:


Required node: syscon
This contains the system controller.

  • compatible: must be “stericsson,u300-syscon”.
  • reg: the base address and size of the system controller.

Boards with the U300 SoC include:

S365 “Small Board U365”:

Required node: s365
This contains the board-specific information.

  • compatible: must be “stericsson,s365”.
  • vana15-supply: the regulator supplying the 1.5V to drive the
  • syscon: a pointer to the syscon node so we can access the
    syscon registers to set the board as self-powered.


/ {
model = “ST-Ericsson U300”;
compatible = “stericsson,u300”;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;

s365 {
    compatible = "stericsson,s365";
    vana15-supply = <&ab3100_ldo_d_reg>;
    syscon = <&syscon>;

syscon: syscon@c0011000 {
    compatible = "stericsson,u300-syscon";
    reg = <0xc0011000 0x1000>;
