
sii902x HDMI bridge bindings

Required properties:
- compatible: “sil,sii9022”
- reg: i2c address of the bridge

Optional properties:
- interrupts-extended or interrupt-parent + interrupts: describe
the interrupt line used to inform the host about hotplug events.
- reset-gpios: OF device-tree gpio specification for RST_N pin.

Optional subnodes:
- video input: this subnode can contain a video input port node
to connect the bridge to a display controller output (See this
documentation 1).

hdmi-bridge@39 {
compatible = “sil,sii9022”;
reg = <0x39>;
reset-gpios = <&pioA 1 0>;
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;

        port@0 {
            reg = <0>;
            bridge_in: endpoint {
                remote-endpoint = <&dc_out>;