
SBS sbs-charger

Required properties:
 - compatible: "<vendor>,<part-number>", "sbs,sbs-charger" as fallback. The part
     number compatible string might be used in order to take care of vendor
     specific registers.

Optional properties:
- interrupt-parent: Should be the phandle for the interrupt controller. Use in
    conjunction with "interrupts".
- interrupts: Interrupt mapping for GPIO IRQ. Use in conjunction with
    "interrupt-parent". If an interrupt is not provided the driver will switch
    automatically to polling.


    ltc4100@9 {
        compatible = "lltc,ltc4100", "sbs,sbs-charger";
        reg = <0x9>;
        interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>;
        interrupts = <7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;