
  • Nuvoton NPCM7xx KCS (Keyboard Controller Style) IPMI interface

The Nuvoton SOCs (NPCM7xx) are commonly used as BMCs
(Baseboard Management Controllers) and the KCS interface can be
used to perform in-band IPMI communication with their host.

Required properties:

  • compatible : should be one of
  • interrupts : interrupt generated by the controller
  • kcs_chan : The KCS channel number in the controller


lpc_kcs: lpc_kcs@f0007000 {
    compatible = "nuvoton,npcm750-lpc-kcs", "simple-mfd", "syscon";
    reg = <0xf0007000 0x40>;
    reg-io-width = <1>;

    #address-cells = <1>;
    #size-cells = <1>;
    ranges = <0x0 0xf0007000 0x40>;

    kcs1: kcs1@0 {
        compatible = "nuvoton,npcm750-kcs-bmc";
        reg = <0x0 0x40>;
        interrupts = <0 9 4>;
        kcs_chan = <1>;
        status = "disabled";

    kcs2: kcs2@0 {
        compatible = "nuvoton,npcm750-kcs-bmc";
        reg = <0x0 0x40>;
        interrupts = <0 9 4>;
        kcs_chan = <2>;
        status = "disabled";