
            Block IO Controller


cgroup subsys “blkio” implements the block io controller. There seems to be
a need of various kinds of IO control policies (like proportional BW, max BW)
both at leaf nodes as well as at intermediate nodes in a storage hierarchy.
Plan is to use the same cgroup based management interface for blkio controller
and based on user options switch IO policies in the background.

Currently two IO control policies are implemented. First one is proportional
weight time based division of disk policy. It is implemented in CFQ. Hence
this policy takes effect only on leaf nodes when CFQ is being used. The second
one is throttling policy which can be used to specify upper IO rate limits
on devices. This policy is implemented in generic block layer and can be
used on leaf nodes as well as higher level logical devices like device mapper.


Proportional Weight division of bandwidth

You can do a very simple testing of running two dd threads in two different
cgroups. Here is what you can do.

  • Enable Block IO controller

  • Enable group scheduling in CFQ

  • Compile and boot into kernel and mount IO controller (blkio); see
    cgroups.txt, Why are cgroups needed?.

    mount -t tmpfs cgroup_root /sys/fs/cgroup
    mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
    mount -t cgroup -o blkio none /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio

  • Create two cgroups
    mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test1/ /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test2

  • Set weights of group test1 and test2
    echo 1000 > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test1/blkio.weight
    echo 500 > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test2/blkio.weight

  • Create two same size files (say 512MB each) on same disk (file1, file2) and
    launch two dd threads in different cgroup to read those files.

    echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

    dd if=/mnt/sdb/zerofile1 of=/dev/null &
    echo $! > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test1/tasks
    cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test1/tasks

    dd if=/mnt/sdb/zerofile2 of=/dev/null &
    echo $! > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test2/tasks
    cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/test2/tasks

  • At macro level, first dd should finish first. To get more precise data, keep
    on looking at (with the help of script), at blkio.disk_time and
    blkio.disk_sectors files of both test1 and test2 groups. This will tell how
    much disk time (in milliseconds), each group got and how many sectors each
    group dispatched to the disk. We provide fairness in terms of disk time, so
    ideally io.disk_time of cgroups should be in proportion to the weight.

Throttling/Upper Limit policy

  • Enable Block IO controller

  • Enable throttling in block layer

  • Mount blkio controller (see cgroups.txt, Why are cgroups needed?)

      mount -t cgroup -o blkio none /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
  • Specify a bandwidth rate on particular device for root group. The format
    for policy is “: “.

      echo "8:16  1048576" > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device

    Above will put a limit of 1MB/second on reads happening for root group
    on device having major/minor number 8:16.

  • Run dd to read a file and see if rate is throttled to 1MB/s or not.

      # dd iflag=direct if=/mnt/common/zerofile of=/dev/null bs=4K count=1024
      1024+0 records in
      1024+0 records out
      4194304 bytes (4.2 MB) copied, 4.0001 s, 1.0 MB/s

    Limits for writes can be put using blkio.throttle.write_bps_device file.

Hierarchical Cgroups

Both CFQ and throttling implement hierarchy support; however,
throttling’s hierarchy support is enabled iff “sane_behavior” is
enabled from cgroup side, which currently is a development option and
not publicly available.

If somebody created a hierarchy like as follows.

        /  \
         test1 test2

CFQ by default and throttling with “sane_behavior” will handle the
hierarchy correctly. For details on CFQ hierarchy support, refer to
Documentation/block/cfq-iosched.txt. For throttling, all limits apply
to the whole subtree while all statistics are local to the IOs
directly generated by tasks in that cgroup.

Throttling without “sane_behavior” enabled from cgroup side will
practically treat all groups at same level as if it looks like the

             /  /   \  \
        root  test1 test2  test3

Various user visible config options

- Block IO controller.

- Debug help. Right now some additional stats file show up in cgroup
if this option is enabled.

- Enables group scheduling in CFQ. Currently only 1 level of group
creation is allowed.

- Enable block device throttling support in block layer.

Details of cgroup files

Proportional weight policy files

  • blkio.weight

    • Specifies per cgroup weight. This is default weight of the group
      on all the devices until and unless overridden by per device rule.
      (See blkio.weight_device).
      Currently allowed range of weights is from 10 to 1000.
  • blkio.weight_device

    • One can specify per cgroup per device rules using this interface.
      These rules override the default value of group weight as specified
      by blkio.weight.

      Following is the format.

      echo dev_maj:dev_minor weight > blkio.weight_device

      Configure weight=300 on /dev/sdb (8:16) in this cgroup

      echo 8:16 300 > blkio.weight_device

      cat blkio.weight_device

      dev weight
      8:16 300

      Configure weight=500 on /dev/sda (8:0) in this cgroup

      echo 8:0 500 > blkio.weight_device

      cat blkio.weight_device

      dev weight
      8:0 500
      8:16 300

      Remove specific weight for /dev/sda in this cgroup

      echo 8:0 0 > blkio.weight_device

      cat blkio.weight_device

      dev weight
      8:16 300

  • blkio.leaf_weight[_device]

    • Equivalents of blkio.weight[_device] for the purpose of
      deciding how much weight tasks in the given cgroup has while
      competing with the cgroup's child cgroups. For details,
      please refer to Documentation/block/cfq-iosched.txt.
  • blkio.time

    • disk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds. First
      two fields specify the major and minor number of the device and
      third field specifies the disk time allocated to group in
  • blkio.sectors

    • number of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group. First
      two fields specify the major and minor number of the device and
      third field specifies the number of sectors transferred by the
      group to/from the device.
  • blkio.io_service_bytes

    • Number of bytes transferred to/from the disk by the group. These
      are further divided by the type of operation - read or write, sync
      or async. First two fields specify the major and minor number of the
      device, third field specifies the operation type and the fourth field
      specifies the number of bytes.
  • blkio.io_serviced

    • Number of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group. These
      are further divided by the type of operation - read or write, sync
      or async. First two fields specify the major and minor number of the
      device, third field specifies the operation type and the fourth field
      specifies the number of IOs.
  • blkio.io_service_time

    • Total amount of time between request dispatch and request completion
      for the IOs done by this cgroup. This is in nanoseconds to make it
      meaningful for flash devices too. For devices with queue depth of 1,
      this time represents the actual service time. When queue_depth > 1,
      that is no longer true as requests may be served out of order. This
      may cause the service time for a given IO to include the service time
      of multiple IOs when served out of order which may result in total
      io_service_time > actual time elapsed. This time is further divided by
      the type of operation - read or write, sync or async. First two fields
      specify the major and minor number of the device, third field
      specifies the operation type and the fourth field specifies the
      io_service_time in ns.
  • blkio.io_wait_time

    • Total amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the
      scheduler queues for service. This can be greater than the total time
      elapsed since it is cumulative io_wait_time for all IOs. It is not a
      measure of total time the cgroup spent waiting but rather a measure of
      the wait_time for its individual IOs. For devices with queue_depth > 1
      this metric does not include the time spent waiting for service once
      the IO is dispatched to the device but till it actually gets serviced
      (there might be a time lag here due to re-ordering of requests by the
      device). This is in nanoseconds to make it meaningful for flash
      devices too. This time is further divided by the type of operation -
      read or write, sync or async. First two fields specify the major and
      minor number of the device, third field specifies the operation type
      and the fourth field specifies the io_wait_time in ns.
  • blkio.io_merged

    • Total number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this
      cgroup. This is further divided by the type of operation - read or
      write, sync or async.
  • blkio.io_queued

    • Total number of requests queued up at any given instant for this
      cgroup. This is further divided by the type of operation - read or
      write, sync or async.
  • blkio.avg_queue_size

    • Debugging aid only enabled if CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y.
      The average queue size for this cgroup over the entire time of this
      cgroup’s existence. Queue size samples are taken each time one of the
      queues of this cgroup gets a timeslice.
  • blkio.group_wait_time

    • Debugging aid only enabled if CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y.
      This is the amount of time the cgroup had to wait since it became busy
      (i.e., went from 0 to 1 request queued) to get a timeslice for one of
      its queues. This is different from the io_wait_time which is the
      cumulative total of the amount of time spent by each IO in that cgroup
      waiting in the scheduler queue. This is in nanoseconds. If this is
      read when the cgroup is in a waiting (for timeslice) state, the stat
      will only report the group_wait_time accumulated till the last time it
      got a timeslice and will not include the current delta.
  • blkio.empty_time

    • Debugging aid only enabled if CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y.
      This is the amount of time a cgroup spends without any pending
      requests when not being served, i.e., it does not include any time
      spent idling for one of the queues of the cgroup. This is in
      nanoseconds. If this is read when the cgroup is in an empty state,
      the stat will only report the empty_time accumulated till the last
      time it had a pending request and will not include the current delta.
  • blkio.idle_time

    • Debugging aid only enabled if CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y.
      This is the amount of time spent by the IO scheduler idling for a
      given cgroup in anticipation of a better request than the existing ones
      from other queues/cgroups. This is in nanoseconds. If this is read
      when the cgroup is in an idling state, the stat will only report the
      idle_time accumulated till the last idle period and will not include
      the current delta.
  • blkio.dequeue

    • Debugging aid only enabled if CONFIG_DEBUG_BLK_CGROUP=y. This
      gives the statistics about how many a times a group was dequeued
      from service tree of the device. First two fields specify the major
      and minor number of the device and third field specifies the number
      of times a group was dequeued from a particular device.
  • blkio.*_recursive

    • Recursive version of various stats. These files show the
      same information as their non-recursive counterparts but
      include stats from all the descendant cgroups.

Throttling/Upper limit policy files

  • blkio.throttle.read_bps_device

    • Specifies upper limit on READ rate from the device. IO rate is
      specified in bytes per second. Rules are per device. Following is
      the format.

    echo “: “ > /cgrp/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device

  • blkio.throttle.write_bps_device

    • Specifies upper limit on WRITE rate to the device. IO rate is
      specified in bytes per second. Rules are per device. Following is
      the format.

    echo “: “ > /cgrp/blkio.throttle.write_bps_device

  • blkio.throttle.read_iops_device

    • Specifies upper limit on READ rate from the device. IO rate is
      specified in IO per second. Rules are per device. Following is
      the format.

    echo “: “ > /cgrp/blkio.throttle.read_iops_device

  • blkio.throttle.write_iops_device

    • Specifies upper limit on WRITE rate to the device. IO rate is
      specified in io per second. Rules are per device. Following is
      the format.

    echo “: “ > /cgrp/blkio.throttle.write_iops_device

Note: If both BW and IOPS rules are specified for a device, then IO is
subjected to both the constraints.

  • blkio.throttle.io_serviced

    • Number of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group. These
      are further divided by the type of operation - read or write, sync
      or async. First two fields specify the major and minor number of the
      device, third field specifies the operation type and the fourth field
      specifies the number of IOs.
  • blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes

    • Number of bytes transferred to/from the disk by the group. These
      are further divided by the type of operation - read or write, sync
      or async. First two fields specify the major and minor number of the
      device, third field specifies the operation type and the fourth field
      specifies the number of bytes.

Common files among various policies

  • blkio.reset_stats
    • Writing an int to this file will result in resetting all the stats
      for that cgroup.

CFQ sysfs tunable


On a faster hardware CFQ can be slow, especially with sequential workload.
This happens because CFQ idles on a single queue and single queue might not
drive deeper request queue depths to keep the storage busy. In such scenarios
one can try setting slice_idle=0 and that would switch CFQ to IOPS
(IO operations per second) mode on NCQ supporting hardware.

That means CFQ will not idle between cfq queues of a cfq group and hence be
able to driver higher queue depth and achieve better throughput. That also
means that cfq provides fairness among groups in terms of IOPS and not in
terms of disk time.


If one disables idling on individual cfq queues and cfq service trees by
setting slice_idle=0, group_idle kicks in. That means CFQ will still idle
on the group in an attempt to provide fairness among groups.

By default group_idle is same as slice_idle and does not do anything if
slice_idle is enabled.

One can experience an overall throughput drop if you have created multiple
groups and put applications in that group which are not driving enough
IO to keep disk busy. In that case set group_idle=0, and CFQ will not idle
on individual groups and throughput should improve.